May has been a great month! Lots of fun things going on. We needed some fun after the end of April was so terrible. Lawrence County, where I work, was really devastated and a few our farmers lost everything they had-so sad. Keep them in your prayers!
May started out with a diaper shower for Bennett hosted by my best friend Jaime and her mom Susan. It was great and so much fun! A few friends and an awesome brunch made for a great morning!
My beautiful hostesses....

Jaime was so sweet and gave Kathleen a princess dress-up dress...she loved it:)

The next day was Mother's day. We enjoyed church and eating breakfast at Cracker Barrel with Momma and Daddy. That afternoon we grilled with Mary Helen and the kiddos. We had a great time! Kathleen even sported one of my dresses that my Momma made me when I was special to me:)
The following weekend was Jessica's bridesmaids luncheon at her parents house. Mrs. Connie (in Mrs. Connie fashion) served up a wonderful lunch for all of Jessica's maids. It was great meeting her sweet friends. I don't have any pics:( That night I had Jessica a lingerie party at my house. It was lots of fun:)

Sunday was my family shower at my Aunt Carol's. (yes, I'm sporting the red dress again!) It was so wonderful and Bennett got sooo many nice things. I was so excited and went home that night and put everything up in his nursery with Rita! I will have to post pics later:)